
How a Rejuvenating Trip with Spiritours Could Transform My Life?

Voyage au Costa Rica | Communiquer avec les Baleines | avec Jésabelle de Effet Baleine

In this article, the winner of our 15th-anniversary contest (category 2) shares what calls her to take a rejuvenating trip with Spiritours. Discover how a trip with us could transform your life!

On February 4, 2014, driving on Highway 30 West on a sunny day, I never would have thought that my life would change at that moment. The last image of this car ride was the three-dimensional wheel of a semi-trailer truck engulfing me on my driver’s side; I then found myself in the cold scenery of a late winter that changed my destiny forever.

The four years following this shattering day were spent between appointments, physiotherapy, the psychologist, the neuropsychologist, medical assessments, medical reports, disputes over reports with the SAAQ (Quebec Automobile Insurance Corporation), the SAAQ guidance counselor, but above all, I had to rediscover a person every day, myself!

A year later, on the same road, an accident similar to mine occurred. A woman approximately the same age as me lost her life. Why her and not me? I asked myself this question for a long time, and the answer that constantly came back was: Your mission is not finished here. But what is much less clear is what mission?

These four years passed with a lot of free time accompanied by a presence within me that guided me on a new path between pain and an unexplained life force. I meditated to try to recognize my authentic SELF in this now deformed body and in this mind that has become more blurred and more anxious. With the physical after-effects, my limitations are clear; I can no longer force my left arm. However, the post-traumatic symptoms are more subtle. I am still learning every day to recognize them through behaviors, reactions, or psychic limitations that I do not immediately understand.

I must learn to know and respect who I am now, try to know my strengths and accept my weaknesses, but above all to find my place in this world that has, in every way, become much too fast for the post-traumatized person that I am. This is now my daily challenge.

The closer the date of the end of the compensation that the SAAQ had granted me approached, the more I anticipated what would follow because I would then have to provide for my needs alone with my physical and psychological limitations. Two voices argued in my mind, one voice told me, “Go away for a while to clear your head before starting anything.”; the other voice told me, “Find a job, it will allow you to know your new capacities and pay your bills.” I followed the second voice, the easiest one. I did not step out of my comfort zone. Thus, for the past 6 months, I have been living like an automaton, wondering what a trip could bring me.

A spiritual journey with Spiritours would allow me to do something I have never done: go on an adventure alone but above all give myself a rendezvous with myself. Meet people who all have their story with their trials and experiences, where spirituality is the common link that unifies us all.

Setting foot on foreign soil, seeing new things, in a new climate is an exciting project that could certainly make me see life differently. Accepting who I am now after this accident is a work and a journey that is lived one day at a time, but I know that I must look beyond my small daily life to fully discover my potential.

A change of scenery could nourish this emptiness and lack of inspiration that has inhabited me for four years. Seeing new environments and experiencing new cultures are thoughts that ignite joy within me and give me hope to see other possibilities and perhaps also obtain deep answers that would guide me towards my new mission.

Thank you


N.B.: Discover our range of rejuvenating trips!

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