
Testimonial – Opening your heart in Tunisia with Spiritours

In this article, Caroline Belzile shares her experience of a trip to Tusisia with Spiritours, accompanied by Marie-Josée Arel and Nancy Marcoux.

Personal and spiritual development

I’ve been doing personal and spiritual development for over 10 years, and I can say that this trip to Tunisia with Spiritour and Âme Sagesse was incredible in every way. It was serendipitous that I signed up, but come to think of it, it wasn’t serendipitous at all, as I received the exact teachings I needed to hear at that very moment.

Opening my heart

The teachings helped me to open up my heart. For a long time, I’d been “stuck in my head”, and this journey has enabled me to connect more and more with my heart. Now I can make decisions in my life from there. Living from the heart is refreshing, and brings a sense of lightness and fulfillment.

The meetings

I met the right people at the right time. The encounters were fabulous and I’ll remember them for a long time. We had some great bonding moments, as well as festive and fun group evenings. Some of the participants even see each other from time to time. I also loved the hosts and enjoy following them on Facebook and YouTube. They made me understand a lot of things I’d been “stuck” on for a long time. They also made me laugh a lot with their humor when they hosted on bus rides.

Nature and animals

Doing the workshops in connection with the landscapes, nature and animals offered me a unique experience. The vastness and silence of the desert allowed me to connect with myself. I realized how tiny we are in this universe, and that we have to take life with a grain of sand! The connection with the camels was simply magical. Animals have always allowed me to open my heart more fully. And through the rejuvenating, majestic and breathtaking landscapes, I integrated spiritual teachings.

Small miracles

Some days we had a little rain, and for a country in the grip of drought this was a blessing. But it turned out that every time we got off the bus to visit a site, the rain stopped. It was as if the sun came out just for us. What a synchronicity!

The culture of the country

Seeing people who come from a culture with a spirit of community and mutual aid inspired me. Tunisians are always cheerful and ready to help. It made me think about how spoiled we are in our society. We have everything at our fingertips, but we often find a way of pointing to THE thing that’s wrong or missing in our lives. This inevitably leads us back to gratitude. I also enjoyed learning more about a religion other than my own. It’s interesting to learn that, in the end, almost all religions have their roots in the same place.

-By Caroline Belzile

N.B.: From October 3 to 13, 2024 (11 days / 9 nights), Marie-Josée Arel and Nancy Marcoux will once again be accompanying the “Serenity at the Heart of Being” healing trip to Tunisia!

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